JazzInAStable copyHerb Pomeroy
Jazz in a Stable
Transition TRLP 1

Jazz at Columbus Ave copyJohnny Windhurst
Jazz at Columbus Ave.
Transition TRLP 2

looking for coverRussell Woollen
Flute Quartet
Transition TRLP C-1

Sam Gary SingsSam Gary
Sam Gary Sings
Transition TRLP F-1

byrdsEyeViewDonald Byrd
Byrd’s Eye View
Transition TRLP 4

looking for coverPepper Adams
Quintet Introducing Curtis Fuller (alternate title: Salt and Pepper)
Transition TRLP 8 (unissued)



byrdTransitionDonald Byrd
Byrd Jazz (rec. 1955)
Transition TRLP 5

LoveladyLovey Powell and Brooks Morton
Lovelady, Upstairs at the Duplex
Transition TRLP M-1

JazzBySunRaSun Ra
Jazz by Sun Ra (retitled Sun Song for reissue)
Transition TRLP 10
reissue: Delmark DL 411

looking for coverDave Coleman
(untitled sessions; reportedly erased except for one track)
Transition TRLP 12 (unissued)

Woollen QuartetRussell Woollen
Quartet for Flute and Strings
Transition TRLP 15

looking for coverJay Migliori
Jazz Down Beat (provisional title)
Transition TRLP 18 (unissued)

Cecil Taylor Jazz AdvanceCecil Taylor (w/Steve Lacy, Buell Neidlinger, Dennis Charles)
Jazz Advance
Transition TRLP 19

watkinsTransitionDoug Watkins
Watkins at Large
Transition TRLP 20

Dartmouth ChiefsDartmouth Indian Chiefs
Chiefly Jazz
Transition TRLP 23

Fran Thorne PianoFran Thorne
Piano Reflections
Transition TRLP 27



Lucky Strikes-smLucky Thompson
Lucky Strikes!
Transition TRLP 21

Sound of Joy-smSun Ra and the Arkestra
Sound of Joy (unissued tracks rec. 1956 for Transition)
Delmark  DS 414

byrdBeaconHillDonald Byrd
Byrd Blows on Beacon Hill (rec. 1956)
Transition TRLP 17

variousTransitionVarious Artists
Jazz in Transition
Transition TRLP 30

Paul Chambers - Delegation-smPaul Chambers
Chambers Music: A Delegation from the East
Jazz West JWLP 7



Here Comes Louis SmithLouis Smith
Here Comes Louis Smith
Blue Note BLP 1584

Booker Little 4 Roach-smBooker Little 4 and Max Roach
The Defiant Ones
United Artists UAS 5034



petersATVG-smBrock Peters
At the Village Gate
United Artists  UAL 3062

Cecil Taylor Hard DrivingCecil Taylor featuring John Coltrane
Stereo Drive (mono: Hard Driving Jazz, reissued under Coltrane’s name in 1963 as Coltrane Time )
United Artists  UAL 4014

fullerSliding-smCurtis Fuller
Sliding Easy
United Artists UAL 4041

Johnny Rae’s Afro-Jazz Septet ‎
Herbie Mann’s African Suite
United Artists UAL 4042

Cecil Taylor smCecil Taylor Trio and Quintet
Love For Sale
United Artists  UAL 4046

Weston Five Spot-smRandy Weston
Live at the Five Spot
United Artists UAL 4066

farmerBrassShoutArt Farmer
Brass Shout
United Artists UAL 4079

Thad Jones, Billy Mitchell, Al Grey, et al.
Motor City Scene
United Artists UAL 5025

Various Artists – Young Men from Memphis
Down Home Reunion
United Artists UAS 5029

Provocatif-smJohn McFarland
United Artists UAL 5043



Booker Ervin Cookin-smBooker Ervin Quintet
Savoy MG 12154



Barron Tenor stylingsBill Barron
The Tenor Stylings of Bill Barron
Savoy  MG 12160

Barbara Long-smBarbara Long
The Voice of Barbara Long
Savoy MG 12161

Bill Barron Mod Windows-smBill Barron
Modern Windows
Savoy  MG 12163

Sun Ra futuristic-smSun Ra
The Futuristic Sounds of Sun Ra
Savoy  MG 12169

hardmanSavoy-smThe Bill Hardman Quintet
Saying Something
Savoy  MG 12170

Herbie Mann
Gone Native
Savoy  MG 12175

Booker Ervin dumps-smBooker Ervin
Down in the Dumps
Savoy  SJL 1119



Mann St. Thomas-smHerbie Mann
St. Thomas
United Artists Jazz UAJS 15022

Pop_+_Jazz_=_Swing-smVarious (arr. & cond. Benny Golson)
Pop + Jazz = Swing
Audio Fidelity AFLP 1978

Robinson Funky Dumpling-smPerry Robinson
Funk Dumpling
Savoy MG 12177

Sit-in-SmVarious Artists
Sit-In Songs: Songs of the Freedom Riders
Dauntless Records DM 4301



Teri Thornton-smTeri Thornton
Sings Somewhere in the Night
Dauntless Records DM 4306 (Stereo 6306)

Sal Salvador
You Ain’t Heard Nothing Yet
Dauntless Records DM 4307 (Stereo 6307)

the-country-western-sound-smSteve Kuhn & Toshiko Akiyoshi
The Country & Western Sounds of Jazz Pianos
Dauntless Records DM 4308 (Stereo 6308)

Roz Croney
How Low Can You Go?
Dauntless Records DM 4309 (Stereo 6309)

Bab-smBabs Gonzales
Sunday Afternoon with Babs Gonzales at Small’s Paradise
Dauntless Records DM 4311 (Stereo 6311)

west-side-story-bossa-nova-smBill Barron
West Side Story Bossa Nova
Dauntless Records DM 4312 (Stereo 6312)

Walt Dickerson Quartet
Jazz Impressions of Lawrence of Arabia
Dauntless Records DM 4313 (Stereo 6313)

dylan freewheelin-smBob Dylan
The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan
Columbia CS 8786

Sweet Chariot-smVarious Artists
Introducing the Sweet Chariot (The Sensational New Pop Gospel Club with “Soul”)
Columbia CL 2061

coltrane-time-smJohn Coltrane
Coltrane Time
United Artists UAJS 15001 (reissue of Cecil Taylor’s 1959 Hard Driving Jazz)

Sweet Chariot2-smVarious Artists
Shoutin’, Wailin’, Hard Drivin’ Pop Gospel (Recorded Live at the Sweet Chariot)
Columbia 8862

Sweet Chariot - Shoutin Gospel-smThe Herman Stevens Singers
Everybody’s Shoutin’ Gospel (Recorded Live at the Sweet Chariot)
Epic 26062

Thornton-smTeri Thornton
Sings ‘Open Highway’
Columbia 8894



Patty Waters
You Thrill Me (2006 comp; Wilson produced three 1964 tracks for Columbia demo)
Water 137

Dylan_Times-smBob Dylan
The Times They Are a-Changin’
Columbia CS 8905

another_side_of_dylan-smBob Dylan
Another Side of Bob Dylan
Columbia CS 8993

Bill Barron and Ted Curson
Now, Hear This!
Audio Fidelity AFLP 2123 (recorded 1963)

Clancy Bros Makem-smThe Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem
The First Hurrah!
Columbia CL 2165 (CS 8965)

pilgrims-smThe Pilgrims
Just Arrived!
Columbia 9033

Simon--Garfunkel-Wednesday-Morning-smSimon & Garfunkel
Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M.
Columbia CS 9049

PeteSeeger-newday_smPete Seeger
In Concert – I Can See a New Day
Columbia CS 9057

Cool_Sax,_Warm_Heart-smEddie Harris
Cool Sax, Warm Heart
Columbia 8968

Here_Comes_the_Judge_smEddie Harris
Here Comes the Judge
Columbia 9681

Eddie Harris Holly Bway-smEddie Harris
Cool Sax from Hollywood to Broadway
Columbia CL 2295 / CS 9095



Benny Golson
Just Jazz
Audio Fidelity AFLP 2150 (probably recorded 1962-63)

Clancy Bros in IrelandThe Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem
Recorded Live in Ireland
Columbia CL 2265 (CS 9065)

Dylan Bringing Home-smBob Dylan
Bringing It All Back Home
Columbia CS 9128

Dylan Highway 61-smBob Dylan
Highway 61 Revisited
Columbia CS 9189
Wilson produced only the track “Like a Rolling Stone”

Walt Dickerson Patch of Blue-smWalt Dickerson Quartet (w/Sun Ra)
Impressions of a Patch of Blue
MGM Records SE 4358

Mann Afro Bossa-smHerbie Mann
Latin Mann (Afro to Bossa to Blues)
Columbia CS 9188

Kickin’ Child: The Lost Album 1965
Norton 411 (2017 release of 1965 tracks produced by Wilson)



Seeger - GrassPete Seeger
God Bless the Grass
Columbia CS 9232

Roy Meriwether-smThe Roy Meriwether Trio
Soup & Onions
Columbia CS 9233

Steve Perry-smSteve Perry
Another Rainy Day
MGM Records E 4369

220px-Freda_Payne_-_How_Do_You_Say_I_Don't_Love_You_Anymore_album_cover. copyFreda Payne
How Do You Say I Don’t Love You Anymore
MGM Records E 4370

Frank-Zappa-and-the-Mothers-of-Invention-Freak-OutThe Mothers of Invention
Freak Out!
Verve V6 5005-2X, V6 5005-2

Masakela - Ooga BoogaHugh Masekela
The Americanization of Ooga Booga
MGM Records SE 4372

Connie Francis-smConnie Francis
Movie Greats of the ’60s
MGM SE 4382

Animals-Animalization copyThe Animals
MGM SE 4384

Batman copyThe Sensational Guitars of Dan & Dale
(artists: Sun Ra and some members of The Blues Project)
Batman and Robin
Tifton 78002

Blues Project copyThe Blues Project
Verve/Folkways FT 3008

Original Cast
A Hand is on the Gate
Verve Forecast FVS-9040-2-OC

Connie Francis
Connie Francis Live at the Sahara in Las Vegas
MGM SE 4411

Connie Francis
Connie Francis and the Kids Next Door
King Leo Records (planned MGM SE 4412)

The-Animals-AnimalismThe Animals
MGM Records SE 4414

jimandjeanone-smJim & Jean
Changes (side B, tracks 1 & 4 only)
Verve Folkways FTS 3001

Masekela next-smHugh Masekela
Hugh Masekela’s Next Album
MGM Records SE 4415

Steve Sanders PrayerSteve Sanders
A Young Boy’s Prayer
MGM Records SE 4420

The-Animals-Eric-Is-Here-smEric Burdon & The Animals
Eric Is Here
MGM SE 4433



velvet_underground_nicoThe Velvet Underground and Nico
The Velvet Underground and Nico
Verve V 5008

FrankZappa-AbsolutelyFree copyThe Mothers of Invention
Absolutely Free
Verve SVLP 9174, V6 5013

AnimalsWindsOfChange-smEric Burdon & the Animals
Winds of Change
MGM SE 4484

Chelsea Girl
Verve V 5032

The Artie Schroeck Implosion
A Spoonful of Lovin’
Verve V 5034

Golson tune inBenny Golson
Tune In, Turn On (To the Hippest Commercials of the Sixties)
Verve V 8710

Paul Mitchell Trio
Paul Mitchell Trio
Verve V 8713



Velvet Und WLWH-smThe Velvet Underground
White Light/White Heat
Verve V6 5046

Wonder Where I’m Bound
includes five tracks from 1965 “Wanderers” session

Frank ZappaWe're Only In It for the MoneyHIGH RESOLUTION COVER ARTThe Mothers of Invention
We’re Only in It for the Money
Verve V6 5045X, V6 5045
(Wilson credited as executive producer)

Soft Machine 1-smSoft Machine
The Soft Machine, also reissued as Volume One
Probe CPLP 4500 X (co-produced with Chas Chandler)

Ill wind-smIll Wind
ABC Records ABCS 641

Bagatelle-smThe Bagatelle
11 P.M. Saturday
ABC Records ABCS 646

Fraternity Of Man-smThe Fraternity of Man
The Fraternity of Man
ABC Records ABCS 647

Verve Forecast FTS 3030-2X

Fire by Fire-smFire
ABC Records ABCS 661

purpose-smThe Purpose
The Purpose of the Purpose is the Blues
ABC Records ABCS 662

Central Nervous System-smCentral Nervous System
I Could Have Danced All Night
Music Factory Records MFS 12003

masekela lasting-smHugh Masekela
The Lasting Impression of Hugh Masekela
MGM Records  SE 4468

Animals Twain smallEric Burdon & The Animals
The Twain Shall Meet
MGM SE 4537



last ritual-smThe Last Ritual
The Last Ritual
Capitol Records SKAO 206

Frat of Man Get it On-smThe Fraternity of Man
Get It On!
Dot Records DLP 25955

ABC Records ABCS 677

fearitself-smFear Itself
Fear Itself
Dot DLP 25942

serfs-smThe Serfs
The Early Bird Café
Capitol SKAO 207

Toms Touch-smVarious Artists: Fraternity of Man; Ill Wind; Bagatelle; The Purpose; Fire
Tom’s Touch: A Collection of Tom Wilson Productions
Stateside LSSH 1501 (Netherlands)



CountryJoeAndTheFish-smCountry Joe And The Fish
C.J. Fish
Vanguard VSD 6555

albino-smAlbino Gorilla
Detroit – 1984
Kama Sutra KSBS 2028



Pass the Butter
Natural Resources NR 104L

Natural Resources NR 106L

road-smRoad (with Noel Redding)
Rare Earth SRE 3006

two friends-smTwo Friends
Two Friends
Natural Resources NR 101L



mayall.john-smJohn Mayall
The Latest Edition
Polydor PD 6030
co-produced with Eric the Norwegian



vernon_burch-smVernon Burch
I’ll Be Your Sunshine
United Artists Records UA LA342-G



Tony Bird-smTony Bird
Tony Bird
CBS 81183
co-produced with Larry Fallon for Namjac



Gil Scott-Heron Bridges-smGil Scott-Heron & Brian Jackson
Arista AB 4147
co-produced with Larry Fallon, Scott-Heron, and Jackson



Prof Longhair-smProfessor Longhair
Live on the Queen Mary
Harvest SW-11790
recorded in 1975

We welcome additions, corrections, amplifications, and deletions. Email us

This discography was compiled from dozens of sources thru diligent research. It is not complete, but it’s the most comprehensive Wilson discography anywhere. © 2013-2019 Irwin Chusid

A discography of Wilson-produced non-LP singles is in progress.